XpoNorth Events

Events on 17th Nov 2015

Gaming Playground and Hands On Camera Workshop

In association with Lochaber Ideas Week we are delighted to be working with the Scottish Games Network and Visual Impact in bringing two unique and innovative events to Fort William.
Gaming Playground
Come and test some of the most innovative and creative new games in the world not yet on the market.  We have developers from across Scotland, including winners of the Moray Game Jam and support from the Scottish Games Network.
Hands On Camera Workshop
Try out some of the hottest camera and dolly equipment from GoPros, BlackMagic to the latest Sony high end film cameras.  The Visual Impact team will also be on hand to explain, test and answer all your technical questions. 
WHEN17th Nov 2015 12:00pm

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Event details last updated: Mon 28 March 2016 5:05pm