Moray Game Jam 2016

Event: Moray Game Jam 2016
Dates: 18th, 19th, 20th March 2016 
Location: Elgin
Moray Game Jam returns for its third year. Sponsored by Hunted Cow Studios, Moray College UHI, and ScreenHI, in just over 100 days teams of upcoming game designers and digital artists will gather in Elgin to commence a 48-hour development haul-up competing to create unique and winning new games.
So start building your team soon.
See a video of 2014's Moray Game Jam here.
Keep an eye on the countdown and more announcements via the event's website, Facebook and Twitter.

WHEN18th Mar 2016 00:00am20th Mar 2016 00:00am

Event details last updated: Mon 28 March 2016 5:05pm