A Winter Story

A Winter Story

Thu 13 Dec 2012 / News


How do you keep your creative cockles warm over Winter?  Does sitting by the fire playing your guitar inspire songwriting?  Is getting up at dawn on a frosty morning worth it for that sunrise shot?  Perhaps baking clears your head and fills your belly ready for writing that script?  Whatever it is share your inspiration by taking a photo and be part of the creative community wherever you are.

We're going to tell a story (or stories) through pictures, sharing online and showcasing at our annual creative industries festival goNORTH on the 5th & 6th June 2013 in Inverness As we gather and Storify your pictures, in the lead up to the festival we'll give you sneak previews of some collections of entries so far and after the festival we will showcase all the stories online.

What do you need to do?  Take a photo and within the photo we want to see three words that, along with your image, sum up what inspires you creatively That's it!  All you need to do is add the all important hashtag #awinterstory, so we can find your picture, and post it to Facebook, Instagram, via your own Twitter account or post direct to A Winter Story Twitter feed @AWinterStory1 (NB If you post to Facebook make sure its a public status posting).

Get involved and be part of the story.