Radio Skills Workshops - South Uist

Radio Skills Workshops - South Uist

Tue 14 Apr 2015 / Training


Scheduling For Radio - 17th April
Creating Engaging Content - 18th April
Networking from 5 - 7pm - 18th April

Cothrom, Ormiclate, South Uist
10am - 5pm (tea & coffee at 9.30am)

The last of our training events in partnership with Honeycomb - Creative Works is coming up this week. Don’t miss out on your chance to take advantage of this FREE workshop.

The two-day workshop will look at the end-to-end process of how to schedule and make radio content. The first day will focus on programming, looking at breaking down a broadcast hour and filling it with engaging content ensuring it’s balanced out with music and features.

The second day is hands on and practical where you will learn the technical side of recording, editing and packaging actual content that can be used for broadcast.

Although these are set up as two separate training days it is recommended that you do both and register for both.

Register to attend Scheduling For Radio - 17th April

Register to attend Creating Engaging Content For Radio & Online - 18th April

Register to attend Networking - 18th April