Screen Bandita Rebel Landscapes Tour

Screen Bandita Rebel Landscapes Tour

Mon 2 Sep 2013 / News


Rebel Landscapes is a journey into Scottish folklore, tradition and landscape, explored through a programme of carefully curated, archival 16mm film and specially commissioned live soundtracks played by four artists loosely working within the folk music idiom The original Rebel Landscapes event premiered in Edinburgh in 2011 to a sell-out audience, and spurred on by this positive response, Screen Bandita decided to undertake the touring of the programme to the geographical areas central to these archival films. In essence taking these historical documents back to the communities and settings that originated them.

The live musical scores have been created specifically in response to the moving image by contemporary folk musicians Wounded Knee, Hanna Tuulikki and Rob St John with Tom Western, who will be performing thoughtful and engaging pieces to films Eriskay: A Poem of Remote Lives, 1934, The Crofters of Wester Ross, 1939, and Isles of the West, 1939.

It will be well worth it if you can make it along to one of the their events and take a journey into the past.

Rebel Landscapes event dates:
21st September - Clachan Church, Applecross
23rd September - Uig Community Hall, Lewis
26th September - Carinish Hall, North Uist
28th September - Eriskay Hall
Doors 1900 hrs.
Tickets £5 on the door.

For more information about the programme and about other events Screen Bandita are doing visit their website.