Kerrie Noor
My Blog
Nefertiti’s Prodigy
Self Published
Available on Amazon
He's Good To Me
3 min monologue on Argyll FM
Strathclyde Police
Mavis & Me 'do' Half Life
Short story for Half Life Project
Mid Argyll Art Project
Kerrie successfully applied for our 2012 HI Wireless drama writing programme, which is designed to encourage and develop aspiring drama writers through supported workshops and mentoring. The scheme will culminate with twelve 10 minute dramas being recorded for broadcast online in mid 2013 As well as writing Kerrie has performed stand-up comedy at various venues in Glasgow, Edinburgh and London.
Having written a novel she decided to try and promote her work through performance This started with a six minute monologue at the Edinburgh Festival under a scheme backed by Hi-Arts called Laughing Matters and subsequently, in a half hour show with the Free Fringe at the Edinburgh Festival She is at present working with the Strathclyde Police on a 15 minute drama for film; He’s Good to Me along with 2 new comic novels.