goNORTH 2014
Little Nuggets From Same Old Story: Characters & Storytelling
It's not narcissism but it's all about me.
RM Hubbert
Art as a means of social change?" [in answer to a question from the audience] "It is a means for dissemination of information.
Denise Mina
Audience member to Billy Boyd: Does music feed your acting?
Billy: Yes. And you've more control as a musician."
You have to have fortitude to survive as a creative person.
Donald-Iain Brown, chair of Same Old Story session
My dream was to write a book which somebody else would write.
Denise Mina
Any advice for budding writers?
"Do as much as you possibly can."
Michael Redmond
"Don't give up the day job."
Chris Dolan
For mental health issues, make sure you don't just do writing.
Billy Boyd
I look to every comma of a writer's work when it comes to making a character work.
Billy Boyd
The difference between writing for TV and film? For TV, forty committees have to oversee it first...
Denise Mina
There's more value on storytelling in Ireland.
Denise Mina
Donald-Iain Brown: Is there a formula to writing a novel
Chris Dolan: There are patterns but you get to know yourself as a writer.
The music always comes first. I only add words when I want to do a very definite thing.
RM Hubbert
Writing for theatre is collaborative. You can't be too prescriptive about the character. In a novel, there are three prescriptive points per character.
Denise Mina
I don't consider myself an actor, but a comedian first and foremost.
Michael Redmond
It's all about humanity.
Billy Boyd on what it's like to bring a character alive
If you're watching a play or a drama, it's about action. But in a book you write around that.
Chris Dolan