MGJ Winners Peacock Dreams on Work Placement: GAME UPDATE – NEWS & UPDATES – 11/08/2016

MGJ Winners Peacock Dreams on Work Placement: GAME UPDATE – NEWS & UPDATES – 11/08/2016

Thu 11 Aug 2016


This is the progress blog for team Peacock Dreams as they work on the game "Everything is Peachy" - From the Peacock Dreams original blog post here

“We’re just past the half way mark as this is week four of six, and with that in mind we’ve been putting in a lot of extra time to get everything together in order to stick to our tight schedule as much as possible. The aim for this week is to finish all of the mechanics and expand upon the rudimentary game modifiers, we can then spend all of next week working on the boss battle and polish the game for release. This extra work has paid off as it’s unbelievably satisfying seeing everything come together; we’re extremely excited about where the games going and we can’t wait to show it off once it’s finished.” – Nik

“We all headed down to dare this weekend to support some of our friends games who were entered. It was amazing to see the insanely high quality of all the games there and we were super proud of the three Abertay teams for picking up multiple awards. It’s really motivated us to push for the next few weeks to make sure our game is the best it can be. I’ve personally been working on finishing up some of the base animations, making some assets for one of our hazards and starting on more of the planet environment work. I’m pleased with how it’s all looking especially seeing it in game really helps the levels feel more fleshed out and the planet map is looking really cool now.” – Doug

“This week I’ve been working on tweaking the UI of the game and continuing making icons and menus to make the game easy to navigate. It’s been really good working on the game so far, everyone at Hunted Cow has been really welcoming and friendly so far. ” – Abbie

“This week I’ve been focusing on getting all the power ups and hazards into the game, because it’s the main bulk of the game play. The programming side of everything’s been moving very smoothly and it’s all coming together very nicely” – Henry