The Honey Pot Create & Captivate Award

The Honey Pot Create & Captivate Award

Fri 24 Oct 2014 / News


Deadline for both awards - 17th November 2014.

The final round of Honey Pot seed fund was launched this week. This is available to all of our networks in the Honeycomb – Creative Works geographic. The fund has also been opened up to applications from the Western Isles A great opportunity to get your idea or project up and running, we particularly would like to see this pot of money, potentially £50,000, spent in Scotland.  
The Create Award is targeted at existing ideas/projects that require additional support to take them to the next level - the Proof of Concept. Create is designed to help digital content freelancers or companies to further establish the commercial potential of a concept and fully develop and test their ideas. Eligible projects could receive up to £5,000 in funding.
The Captivate Award will support collaborations between the creative and other business sectors to apply digital content knowledge, skills and technologies for innovation focused projects Applications are now being invited from digital content freelancers or companies in the film and broadcast, music technologies, animation, games development or interactive media industries to collaborate with another business sector, other than the digital content sector e.g., Health, Tourism, Big Data. Eligible projects could receive up to £20,000 in funding.

Applications representing cross-border, cross-regional collaborations from within the eligible INTERREG IVA Region are particularly welcome. 

Read the guidance notes and apply here for either or both of these awards.