Moray Game Jam Reviewed

Moray Game Jam Reviewed

Fri 21 Mar 2014 / News


Game Jams can seem like strange and unusual events for those outside the Gaming Industry, but they're phenomenal ways to help new and emerging talent find their feet, collaborate with others and create something new, something unique and something wild. They're not easy events to manage. The pressure is high and the challenges are many. Yet the first ever Moray Game Jam was a phenomenal success Every participant, all of the judges and even the local developers were hugely impressed with the organisers hard work and support.
It shows in the results. Nine teams, produced nine entirely new games, in only two days Four experienced judges - Brian Baglow (Scottish Games Network), Phil Harris (freelance writer, developer), Andrew Mulholland (Hunted Cow), Dave Cook (VG247) - were amazed with the fact that every team had a working prototype, every game was playable and every idea was so strong.
The competition was won by Powerpunch Studios, with their 'node-based-multiplayer-real-time-strategy-game' (yes that is an actual thing) VACCINE The runners-up were Dyno Games with their touch screen extinct-em-up Dynopocalypse and Labracadabrador with They Changed Eden.
The judges and the teams had a word after it was all over. They've all agreed. They can't wait for next year.

Read Brian Baglow’s blog from the start, middle and end of the event The Northern Scot were there to cover it too!