Review of Our Edinburgh Fringe 2013

Review of Our Edinburgh Fringe 2013

Mon 2 Sep 2013 / Film Chat


Two months after goNORTH, one of our talented Radio goNORTH trainees, Paddy Fuller, took up a month long paid placement with our partners Dabster on their Edinburgh Comedy podcast commissions, which included Amnesty’s Secret Podcast and The Pleasance Paddy moved his life to the big smoke and got stuck right into full speed ahead radio production We are delighted that we can offer this kind of progression from training to working in industry for our talent in the Highlands and Islands Paddy kept a blog during his time there, Dabster boss Richard Melvin said:
"Paddy worked hard with us this summer and found his feet well.  He recorded around 60 hours of live comedy and helped Al to make over 20 successful comedy podcasts.  He also helped with Amnesty International's Secret Comedy podcast and found himself backstage at the BBC's big blue festival tent a couple of times too. Paddy should be pleased with his achievements, he worked hard and fitted in really well with the rest of the team here at Dabster Productions."
In addition, our very own Producer/Director, Tom Duncan was charged with the responsibility of delivering companion video content for Pleasance TV, which accompanied their comedy and theatre offerings throughout the Edinburgh Fringe.  His aim was to produce a short film every other day and the content would range from red carpet reportage - Press Launch, to comedy shorts - The Wrestling with Colt Cabana and even music videos - The Little Soldiers.
Highlights were producing a very funny meeting of the minds between YouTube sensation Bo Burnham and stand-up poet Tim Key as well as shooting an ambitious one-shot spoken word short with Scroobius Pip.  Tom’s personal highlights were having the opportunity to work with up-and-coming illustrator and filmmaker Theo Davies and the relentlessly dedicated team at Dabster productions

This was a fantastic opportunity for Tom, who has been working with ScreenHI and goNORTH for over a year, to broaden his broadcast experience bringing his own professionalism to a different kind of exposure and new contacts.