Volunteer Video Editor Required For Charity Project

Volunteer Video Editor Required For Charity Project

Thu 15 Aug 2013 / Opportunities


Friends of goNORTH, Mision Mexico, are a children's charity who are looking for an editor to produce a short promo video We screened their beautiful film Somewhere Near Tapachula this year at goNORTH - a touching story of orphaned children in their new life at Mision Mexico as well as how they integrate surfing into their lives.
They are looking for a volunteer to help them create a strong promotional video to use online to illustrate who they are and what they do in order to seek further support and financial assistance. No need for new material to be produced - existing files are available to use to create video. This is a good opportunity for a new entrant or even an established editor to develop skills and contacts.
All enquiries, please email Deborah Grossman.