Drama Short produced by Young Films
In 2010 ScreenHI collaborated with Young Films, a film production company based in Skye, as they went into production with their short film, working title An Incident In Time Produced by Rihanna Andrews and written/directed by Johnny Barrington, the company has since had meteoric success with Chris Young producing The Inbetweeners Movie.
ScreenHI were thrilled to negotiated a placement on the production for a Highlands and Islands based filmmaker to get industry experience on the job Tom Duncan successfully applied for the placement and worked as a 2nd AD, which was a great opportunity to gain invaluable experience in many aspects of production They filmed in and around Scotland and completed production in early 2011.
Post production finished in Autumn 2011, the film underwent a name change in the process, now called TUMULT and premiered at the Inverness Film Festival in November 2011.