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Your tag search for wave north showing results from 1 to 5 of 5
Veronica Finlayson, Podcaster
..., which was part of goSURF at Wave North Festival in April 2011. Wave North was the fringe fes...
Louise Hunt, Podcaster
...rkshop, which was part of the Wave North Festival in Thurso in April 2011. Wave North is the f...
Rich Bradley, Radio Presenter
...rkshop, which was part of the Wave North Festival in Thurso in April 2011. Wave North is the f...
Toby Watts, Director, Writer
Toby's main collaboration with ScreenHI has been filming and directing a short promotional film called Wave Culture about wave energy and the region of Caithness, which is currently in post produc...
Bob Johnson, Podcaster, Radio Presenter
..., which was part of goSURF at Wave North Festival in April 2011. Wave North was the fringe fes...